When you pee in the first urinal and a friend pee's in the last urinal, you each turn your pee streams towards the guy peeing next to you, thus he turns to pee on the guy next to him to avoid your pee, dominion to the guy in the middle who is pissed on in both directions.
"Let's do the domino effect in the movie theater bathroom"

"Ah! Why are both of you peeing on me!"
by Casious May 7, 2010
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Making pizzas like some kind of wizard and delivering them like you're more gangsta than Notiourious B.I.G.
Sharmaine: Woah! Hayley, did you see that hustle?

Hayley: Yeah Brah, that's just Chantel! She's so perfect at the Domino's Hustle.
by i.l.l.e.s.t April 8, 2017
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The phenomenon in which when one person in a group commences laughing, the rest will follow. The laughter genuine, and can often last for two to three minutes. Usually, this group is often a)high b)idiots c)have been previously laughing at something else, and is thus easy for the laughter to recommence.
Person A laughs. Person B, C, D, E, and F also laughs. This is the laughing domino effect.
by Greg Hanches April 1, 2008
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A Huge Crap that Has Spots of Sweet Corn in it, so it looks like a brown and yellow domino
by Fats Dominite December 2, 2010
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A term used to describe how one Douchebag will cause others around him to become Douchebags.
Mike used to be such a great guy until he started hanging out with Chris, now he's a complete Douchebag. That's Chris' Domino Effect of Douchebaggery for you.
by RDMac March 18, 2011
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Pretending not to have known how much your product or behavior has sucked, feigning realization, and promising to do better.
Sundance Film Festival organizers pulled a Domino's Pizza on Thursday afternoon, saying that they'd failed in some respects over the last few years and vowing to improve. (From an LA Times article)

Yeesh, my cheating boyfriend pulled a real Domino's Pizza on me last night with a dozen crummy roses, like that's going to get me to trust him again! (original)
by Apostrophix January 22, 2010
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