1. A male having unprotected sex with a girl he just met.

2. Getting Hock'd at Purdue.

3. More likely than not getting an STD from sexual intercourse with a complete stranger.
Example: My fraternity brother was so drunk on spring break, he raw dogged a rando!
by flyonawall February 23, 2014
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The application of hot dog condiments on ones penis. It is then placed between the “buns” or asscheeks of your beloved bitch. Then you proceed to raw dog a bitch using the hot dog condiments previously applied as lubrication.
Girl: Hey daddy, I’m hungry.

Daddy: Oh sweetie I got a Nathan’s Famous Raw Dog coming right up.
by MasterDogger January 10, 2020
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The act of fucking a girl without a condom. This sexual intercourse may be vaginal or Brown Star anal. Lubricant or spit is optional for this sexual technique.
Man I Ram Jam Raw Dogged the shit out of that bitch last night and now I piss hot fire.
by DaMan181818 April 24, 2006
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To do something unprepared or without prior knowledge.
Friends: Did you study for that test?
Me: No, I am just going to ‘raw dog the shit out of it’.
by a_dumb__boy February 4, 2022
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When someone is out of condoms and they don't wanna waste time, they end up "raw dogging the dirt trail," which means to have anal sex in order to prevent pregnancy.
John: Did you get some last night?

Peter: Well, I was out of condoms and didn't want to have a young Pete running around, so I decided to raw dog the dirt trail.
by ftblplyr69 March 1, 2011
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Eating un-boiled raw ramen. Generally, consumed after mixing the powder packets with the ramen and shaken vigorously.
Yo man, I’m about to raw dog ramen after dinner. Shits better than cooking it, don’t tell my girlfriend.
by RAWdogRAMEN February 26, 2021
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Sucio, Sucia, and celebration of beating the odds.
Party for Raw Dog Weekend l!
by M dat dude July 11, 2019
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