Phrase used to describe going out and playing catch with a frisbee. It rolls off the tounge much easier than "frisbeeing" and a lot cooler to say than "playing catch". It can be accompanied by a slight wrisk-flicking motion to further the point.

...Or if you're really lazy just the wrist movement works.

Me: Hey Seth, you wanna toss some disc? (wrist flick)

Seth: Sure, I think Amaal's coming too.

by Mr. Sparky November 29, 2006
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A rotund member of the Asian race, who although very rippliscious, tells perfectly fit athletes that they need to lose weight and get a girlfriend. They have a tendency to take advantage of mentally disabled women, by courting them, and bragging about their relationship. Their attitude is known as "fatboyindenialitus". Although these disc like creatures do their best to walk (passing it off as a quick waddle) in front of others, they have been observed rolling to destinations when they are not around their "peers". This is much more efficient for them, but they need to eat lots of food in advance, much like a bicycle tire needing air.
"Channel 9 news is sorry to report that our cameraman has been crushed by a stray Big Disc-Douche on a long roll."
by Pinguino October 6, 2012
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A USB thumb drive or mass storage device.

Alternate spelling: disk dongle.
I think Jessica's got my disc dongle.
by RedWoods June 20, 2007
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When you get a new disc and have no clue how it’s going to fly you let your card mates know your shot could go any which way by saying new disc goofin’.
“Holy shit Braeden that’s the wrong fairway,”

“Oops I was just goofin, new disc goofin’!”
by Swettro Boomin September 19, 2023
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CEDs are conductive vinyl platters that are 30.0 cm (11.8 in) in diameter. To avoid using the metric system to name their discs, they were called "12 inch discs" even though they were actually slightly smaller. Each side of the disc has grooves that are about 19 miles long and are 37 times smaller than the grooves on a regular phonograph record. When the disc is playing, it spins at about 450 times per minute and each rotation of the disc contained several frames of audio and visual information.

To read the disc, a titanium needle was placed very lightly on the outer edge of the disc. A small electric current was then passed thru the center of the needle, where it would touch the bottom of the groove and read the audio information, which was stored in small holes. The needle would read these by detecting how much air was between the needle and the pit and then the electronics of the player would convert these into audio. The visual information was stored in the grooves and were read like a regular phonograph record. As the needle passed over the grooves, it would vibrate and the player would convert the vibrations into the pictures.
"Man, why use Laserdiscs when you can use Capacitance Electronic Discs!"
by Fox McCloud 123 September 29, 2011
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noun; a CD that has been used as a tool of masturbation, the center whole acting as a surrogate vagina.
"I couldn't find my fleshlight so I had to use a cumpact disc."
by flocab May 31, 2009
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