The act of vomiting. Ctrl+z means undo. Vomiting dinner or the act of purging food is mostly done by people with bulimia. This phrase originated from the eating disorder community.
I ate a lot today. Time to ctrl+z dinner.

Stop using ed language. Instead of saying bulimia, say ctrl+z dinner instead.
by rei0000 October 7, 2020
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Used to hack other people's computers. If your into that sort of thing.
"Hey, I just Ctrl-Alt-T Richard! He is gonna be SOOO mad!"
"Bro, that's sick!!"
by michaelgriffey13 March 2, 2018
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POV: You are looking at among us memes and then your teacher uses this shortcut UGH

if you use this then your a dumbass
student 1: yo kid do you want to clear all of your history on your chromebook
student 2: yes
student 1: press ctrl shift qq
student 2: *presses ctrl shift qq*
student 2: bro your a fucking bitch
student 1: at least you cant get caught amymore
by guy using urban dictionary September 24, 2022
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In Firefox, highlight a link, and hold CTRL and hit C+T+V to open it in a new tab, very useful for non-clickable links.
WTF? I can't click this link?!
Dude, just Ctrl C+T+V it.
by Guy McGuyster August 6, 2009
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coolest webcomic this side of the planet. only for teh 1337. it pwns n00bs.
ctrl-alt-del, need I say more??
by haxxorz April 4, 2005
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Ctrl + C/V/Z (CtrlCVZ, Ctrl CVZ) is the worlds only good sonic sprite comic featuring full animation and viewable by an IQ that, on average, is than that of a breakfast bar.
Ctrl + C/V/Z is a sprite comic, but... good.
by MaxX Unlimited September 16, 2003
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