Someone who is constantly seeking out new sexual experiences or adventures. It can be used to refer to both men and women, but is typically used in reference to men. A tour crater is always travelling and exploring many different kinds of relationships and activities.
John: "Hey, what do you think about that guy? He's definitely a fucking tour crater."
Sara: "Yeah, I heard he's been all over the place lately. He's always looking for a bitch."
by ItsInu January 13, 2023
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Irregular form/heightened form of great - Meaning to be "super-awesome" or "more than epic". Used mostly in Iceland because they grow up in craters.
You are crater. This van is crater.
by TheGrebhahn July 11, 2018
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Someone who has vigerous intercourse, cause mass damage to the female reproduction system
You have a crater clit
by Crater clit February 8, 2016
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When you fuck your sister while a midget licks shit out of your ass and your mom pumps her breast milk all over your sisters dry pussy
I gave my sis a Mississippi crater mudslide
by krillia June 30, 2021
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A twat the size of a crater, most likely due to numerous sexual encounters with horse-sized cock and watermelon dildos.
"i bought some time with your mother last night, i bet she uses watermelon dildos based off the size of her crater twat."
by slamnasty99 March 31, 2010
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