A very annoying replacement for "hold your horses", "calm yourself", "chill out, dude".

A phrase that is used to one's friend when they are

a) having a panic attack
b) freaking out about something pointless
c) worried / anxious / nervous
d) in a hurry and are constantly annoying you to move faster
"Dude, I think my girlfriend is breaking up with me!"
"Calm your ponies, she's probably just PMSing"

"Wow, can you please like, hurry up? I don't have all day."
"Hey calm your ponies, I'm working on it."
by fafoyojo March 13, 2010
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Girl2: Calm yo tits.
by mi19 February 26, 2011
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A term applied in suggesting to a friend that he/she chill the fuck out/relax.

The origin of this phrase is traced to the ever popular social networking site, Facebook.
Sam: Jeremy, bro! Where the hell is the funnel! Cannot find it!

Jeremy: Sam! Calm your status! It's over by that coma'd chick next to the sofa!
by elmo1andonly March 29, 2010
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this phrase is used when someone you are with is too uptight to calm them down
judy: "oh my goodness my hair looks terrible today"
steve: "no, no it doesnt judy"
judy: "shut up steve, yes it does ahhhhh"
steve: "alright judy calm your tits"
by Sam Bell March 23, 2008
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(n.) The time during a woman's first pregnancy during which nobody talks about the baby or being pregnant for maybe 2 seconds. This calm, almost eerie silence, usually occurring early in the 3rd trimester, is soon shattered by childbirth and the spirit-crushing, torrential shit storm that follows after.

See Also: That part in "Deep Blue Sea" when people start getting eaten, but Samuel L. Jackson and the rest of the survivors find a minute to collect themselves and make an escape plan, and Samuel L. Jackson is giving a speech about how they have to unite to escape the genetically-mutated, super-intelligent sharks, but then, suddenly, one of the aforementioned genetically-mutated, super-intelligent sharks jumps out of the water and bites him in half.
Though it seemed for the time being that everybody had stopped speculating about his unborn child's future athletic prowess, physical attributes, and the huge amount of responsibility it takes to raise a child, the man was not fooled.

He knew that it was just the calm before the stork.
by Consopite April 29, 2011
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adj. Used to describe someone who rarely gets angry (once or twice a year at most) but when they do it usually consists of them going apeshit or turning into bruce lee.
Not exactly healthy because it requires burrying anything that pisses you off until it explodes.
Some Guy: Dude does that kid ever get mad he just found out his girlfriend was screwing a fratbro?
Another Guy: Rarely but when he does its armageddon, dude is calm like a bomb. Never know whats gonna go down.
by MausMonkey June 11, 2010
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Used when someone is asking too many things at once.
It is used when you are trying to get the first task done and received many more in rapid succession.
Aqil: Make sure /etc/resolv.conf is up to date
Paul: On it
Aqil: Here's another task; reinstall the OS on the new servers
Paul: Will do
Aqil: Here's another task; upgrade the SAN
by apxcirrus September 12, 2013
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