A building full of the stupidest kids i have ever met in my life, yesterday i sat next to a girl who bitches non stop about how shity her life is and blabla then next class i listened to some girl when i asked her "what your weekend looks like" she said "im praying" and i asked what for and she replied "im praying a tsunami doesn’t hit us!" and i told her the swell already hit the coast in the morning and was very minor and she replied "no my friend Laurens uncle told a prophecy of a tsunami wiping off the whole entire eastern sea board" 1. don’t base your facts or weekends off prophecy's 2. we live on the western seaboard. The school is populated with the most ignorant religious based stupid kids, but the teachers are worse especially Mr M a math teacher, he is a pile of human waste and should be treated as such you ignorant fucker go get beaten with a rubber hose you incredible hypocritical tool Mr A is the best of all of you and he's leaving this year so what the fuck right its not like we need a good teacher all of you make me depressed i go through my days watching you really on god, being retarded, and no just because you watched donny darko, rave, and listen to shity dub step dosent mean your an intelligent free thinking person (im talking to you group of 'unnamed" seniors, you fucks) just to get through the day i just shake my head listen to more BULLSHIT about 6 core characteristics and other NAZI socialist propaganda..i hate you
"Aye homes lets jerk"
"ey cochina!"
"na niga"
(other retarded shit)
"lets rave!"
summit preparatory high school
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The original high school in LS, filled with kids who care enough to put the minimal effort in to get by. LSHS sometimes doesn't suck at sports and is actually fairly legit at academics.

Serving grades 9-12 Lee's Summit High School has a comprehensive academic program, typical of a class 5A school. Lee's Summit High School offers the IB Diploma, and a small number of AP and Honors classes. Lee's Summit is an A+ designated high school.
Kid 1: You go to Lee's Summit High School? Which one?
Kid 2: The original; the one without all the snobby rich kids or the slutty potheads.
by icdayl December 4, 2010
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Rockwood Summit is the best high school in St. Louis County, it is not full of dumb kids or extremely rich douchebags like most private schools are.
I went to Rockwood Summit High School, and I'm awesome!
by i eat cereal too March 10, 2009
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E-Summit encompasses all aspects of what it takes to nurture entrepreneurship spirit, ranging from challenging competitions, innovative activities, to value-adding workshops to thought-provoking sessions.

Focused on nurturing and expediting growth this event is designed and curated by the official E-Cell of VIT Pune.
E-Summit'22 by V-EDC is the second E-Summit of VIT Pune.

E-Summit’22 by V-EDC, a concoction of all things entrepreneurial. Focused on nurturing and expediting growth this event is designed and curated by the official E-Cell of VIT Pune.

As part of the E-Summit you get access to E-Talks, Workshops and Competitions that ignite the entrepreneur within you!
by V-EDC February 17, 2022
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Summit...a dorm hall for the elite group of West Virginia University Students. When we say elite, we mean the most raging acholics and pot heads in morgantown. We even have groupies from other floors and dorms that could only wish they were lucky enough to live on the 8th or 6th floor. Classes never get in the way of our extracurricular activies AKA partyin. The 8th floor girls have formed their own sorority on campus called TTK (Tappa Tappa Kegga). We roll deep and take over Shooters everytime we go out. We know every bar owner, shot girl, bartenders and bouncer working in Morgantown. Everyother girl works at one of Motown's bars. Bedtime is when the sun comes up and waking up to the sunset is a normal day.

" I dont remember but i think we had fun!"

Bianca: KT if you are my best friend roll down the life science hill with me (as its raining and it all covered in mudddd!)
Katie: OOOKAY!

Mary: Katie do you remember last night?
Katie: No, but did it look like i was having fun?
Mary: YES

Cory: I'll Choke a BITCH

girls theme song: I am gonna hate myself in the morning but i am gonna love you tonight

Cory: (as a car runs in the back of his car in the Mickey Dee's drive thru and cory gets out...) ITS OOOOOOOOKAY i am way tooo drunk to be driving i will not call the cops! (hair flip)

Shannon: give me my gatorade or i will kill you (a daily bitch when waking up)
by Bankaa and KT plus T-ROC March 3, 2005
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A kid that is not original at all and says to many memes.
by Yolodog101 October 30, 2016
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