To totally ignore someone by pretending you are deaf, dumb, and blind.
My boss called me into the office to chew me out, but I gave him the Helen Keller routine.
by Libertine October 3, 2005
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grimace and steve playing pong in kristin's basement and the cups were set up all over the table randomly, as if Helen Keller set them up.
by NFrostie March 26, 2009
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A Helen Keller Moment is an experience of extraordinary insight that cannot be explained by simple linear reasoning.
I was fucking blind and deaf and a lady ran water over my hand while making finger gestures into my other hand and I figured out that shit meant water. -Helen Keller (having the canonical Helen Keller Moment)
by Leonardo Polo September 18, 2018
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When I chick gets a wad in both eyes, both ears, and still has a cock in her mouth so she can't yell.
Rita got a Helen Keller pirate during initiation into the back row fraternity.
by backrow boys August 19, 2009
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When you're fisting a woman on her period, while doing sign language with the inserted hand.
If you're dating a blind girl (having her period) and she wants you to talk dirty to her while fisting her, the only way to do this is by the Bloody Helen Keller.
by Ace Feely January 24, 2007
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This is done when you are standing, and a girl is on her knees giving you oral sex. Just before you cum pull you shaft out of her mouth, while at the same time boxing both her ears at the same time. Then finish by exploding into her eyes. When this is done right she should be deaf, blind and feel dumb for letting you do it to her.
I recently became single because i gave my EX Girlfriend the helen keller bj treatment
by iceman marcus November 30, 2009
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Women's pants that are extremely tight and completely display the shape of the female genitalia including but not limited to the vulva and labia majora.
Look at Sally's new Helen Keller Pants. They are so tight, they scream read my lips.
by chazzzzzz December 27, 2006
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