Male name mainly in Bulgaria.With that name are the people,who have big dicks and fuck dumb whores
Slav pak shte shiba kurvi
by Mnogosabiq44 November 20, 2021
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An incorrect (and highly offensive to Bulgarians) way of saying Gopnik.

The stereotypical image of ''Slav'' refers to a sub-group of low-life Russians known as Gopniks. "Slav" or "Slavic" is a linguistic term for Slavic-speaking peoples, who are often mistakenly represented by Russians, in particular, Gopniks.
A: Look at that Anglo and his yellow teeth!

B: He is not Anglo, he is Chav.

A: Look at that squatting Slav!

B: He is not Slav, he is a Gopnik.

A: Why do Americans marry their cousins?

B: Only Rednecks do, not Americans.

A: Why do Latinos talk with their hands?

B: Only Italians talk with their hands, not Latinos.
by Tisho-Y July 19, 2019
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Dudes wearing Adidas tracksuit, have Adidas stripes on their car, drink alcohol and kvass, have some kompot, rushes B with p90, screams CYKA BLYAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and squat like pro with their heels on the ground unlike western spies.
He drinks vodka so he is slav.

You are a true slav, I see by the Vodka you hold and because you squat like pro
by KuleRule February 6, 2018
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slav - a cross between a chav and a slag.
Dylan - word on the street Julia’s a slag

Max - yeah she’s that but she’s also a chav

Dylan - let’s call her a slav (much more worse than a slag)

Max - snm
by slagxchav January 22, 2021
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A Eastern European originating from Slovenia region. These people are some of the most resilient specimen on earth, surviving bleak winters, collapsing government and economies, and hunger. They have a fascinating tendency to hate other Slavs who share almost all aspects of each other’s culture and daily life, albeit under a different colored flag. Some even go so far as to go to war or genocide each other.
Hard times create strong slavs.
Strong Slavs create hard times.
Hard times create strong Slavs.
by Jone Murphy February 7, 2023
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a slav is a person who likes vodka, semechki, and adidas most likely adidas suit with 3 stripes, and squatting.
Ivan : im going slav cyka
Igor : finally you cyka
by debil123 April 21, 2021
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A person, usually named Kareem, with a tendency to desire being dominated, disciplined, and/or having sadistic and masochistic acts performed on them by overweight chemistry teachers
Kareem the Slav sucked Fadi off during the fifth period.
by abulfurs November 12, 2020
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