Truly the god tier last name amongst men. People with the last name Silvas are known to be built like gigachad and are the sexist motherfuxkers on this Earth. Everyone is a meer mortal compared to these gods of people
Silvas: rest easy mortal fore I am here to help you
by Sakama bawls November 21, 2021
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A bitch ass nigga with a lil dick . He often likes Cleveland steam cleaners on his face.
Who's that dumbass over there? Oh it's just Jio silva
by Cool boy t September 1, 2015
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Lucas Silva or Lucas Da Silva is the most common name in the Portuguese language, with Lucas being the second most in Brazil (behind only Gabriel), and 12th most in Portugal. Silva is the most common Portuguese last name across the board. I personally know three Lucas Silva’s or Da Silva’s, and I have heard of a dozen others.
Dude you’re so basic, I thought your name was Lucas Silva.
by JViper December 18, 2020
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cmon basically rassul yh he can get any goal ygm he loves charzys back and amiri back aswellll
by July 15, 2021
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Able to turn lesbians straight from one single encounter.
Oi you know Leon de silva? He turned my sister straight, people believe he’s Magician
by Randindonnychefchef December 28, 2019
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Melissa Silva is a amazing and beautiful girl. She has a great personality, very funny,kind,but a hot overall she is a legit badass and great girlfriend.
Guy 1:“Hey have you heard of that Melissa Silva girl”
Guy 2: “Yesss she is soooo hot and such a badass, I think I’m in love”
by I’m-Her-girlfriend March 11, 2020
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