An extremly load and painfull fart that feels like its nearly ripped your ring piece apart, usually occours after eating a vindaloo or other hot curry,
PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARP! "for fuck sake Danny boy, that was a rip roaring ring stinger! are you ok mate?.....Dan?.....PHONE AN AMBULANCE!"
by Danofthepleasedwimmen October 14, 2006
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When you have the shits really bad and your asshole gets red from whiping it so much.
Shit dude, I have a rip roaring red ass.
by zack February 24, 2003
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The sound made when the victim of a fail is slowed down to the point where the cry of horrific pain is changed into a gut bustingly funny roar and then posted on youtube.
The fat kids Slo-Mo Fail Roar when both his arms snapped like twigs made that video worth watching!! Although the bones sticking out through his skin made me throw up.
by A.Z.A.S Forever! January 12, 2009
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the most handsome man you will ever find, but he doesnt want to do shit. hes so handsome even guys like him.
i love bjørn-roar, i would do anything for him
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When you are having sex with a girl and you spin her on your dick and throw her off the bed.
I was fucking this girl last night and she wanted to try the Roaring Helicopter. We did it and she ended up bruising her back.
by Jimmie Rustle February 17, 2013
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