when a male applies hot sauce to his penis and has intercouse with a female in her menstrual cycle.used as a reference.
guy A :what?!?! bush became presidnt again? i'd rather get a red hot chilli pepper. GUY B : smooth move x-lax
by funkerdoodle12 June 19, 2011
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My Earliest Memory Of The RHCP's Is Buying One Hot Minute When I Was Seven And My Mum Taking It From Me After Hearing The Song "Pea" Sang By Flea. Little Did She Know Id Got My Bro To Tape It To Cassettte And It Has Made Me The Corrupted Young Obsessive Lady That I Am.
just one note from a song they wrote will fuck me where i lay...
by catholic school girl July 12, 2004
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they suck and the singer is an asshole. I had dinner with him in Encino and he was the biggest fuckin' dick I ever met. He was also being a jerk to the wait staff.
Red Hot Chili Peppers lead singer Anthony Kiedis is a fucking douche bag
by poprabbit September 9, 2020
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The best band to date in history whether your into their old funky style or their newer shit or just a huge overall fan there music continues to be unique and original. I still remember listening to sikamenko the first time and being like "this sux" and now im finding i dont have enough memory on my mp3 player to hold there whole discography :o
to fingerbang is not a sin i stick my middle finger in your monthly blood is what i win im in your house now let me spin
by Ichi420 February 18, 2005
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1. A sexy looking hot blooded Canadian man that is excellent at making love in the bedroom.

2. A good looking Canadian man that has a abnormally high sex drive.
Tell you what Sally that guy I picked up last night was a Red Hot Hunky Fucker, so I planning to see him again tonight.
by lochon October 26, 2009
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An amazing band often envied and titled "overrated" only because of their major success. Definitely one of the greatest bands of all time and immensely contagious, The Red Hot Chili Peppers have pioneered through decades of change and will very likely always be a remnant of what music once was. & to that one kid that was like "why do they always write about sex!!!1111"
They can write about what they want, if you have to now choose carefully what you write songs about, then what's happening to music now?
"The Red Hot Chili Peppers are coming to our town!"
"I just pissed!!"
by ambellina August 12, 2006
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An awsome rock band from america, they sound great

sing anthony kiedis, drumer chad smith, guitatrist john frustie and bass that guy with the big mouth
by a chunk man August 5, 2009
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