A viral Japanese song made on the August 25th, 2016 made by the YouTuber 公式ピコ太郎歌唱ビデオチャンネル\
Person 1:Hey dude have you heard of Ppap?
Person 2:Yeah! Ppap has like totally flooded the internet!!
by zacqonos December 11, 2016
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Worst song of 2016. Basically, the video is a japanese man in some weird clothes dancing and sings that song that somehow everyone loves.
Joey: Apple pen... Pinapple pe-
Jerry: Shut up! PPAP sucks!
Jerry: Damn! That's really butthurt of you!
by Dr. Mr. Pingas December 7, 2016
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a shitty meme by a sick japanese fuck
Jim: Hey John do you like PPAP?
John: Yeah man amazing!!
Jim:Fuck you man I hope you die in a car crash!
by lmao10994 December 3, 2016
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Pineapple pen apple pen UHHH pineapple apple pen door dooo door door ;)
by Ttpasp October 9, 2021
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Pineapple pen apple pen UHHH pineapple apple pen door dooo door door ;)
by Ttpasp October 9, 2021
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Pineapple pen apple pen UHHH pineapple apple pen door dooo door door ;)
by Ttpasp October 9, 2021
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It is a japanese weird tentical dance video that go viral which mean nothing but brain wash yo ass.
Friend: Hey have you heard of PPAP?
Me: Yeah it is fucking cancer
by ObviouslyNotAFuckingTwat December 13, 2016
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