A girl who is extremely kind with a great heart. She will always make you laugh when your sad and sometimes be really goofy. She's super smart but doesn't brag about it. She's nice to those who treat her with decency and respect. But if you mess with her, she'll show you that she knows her worth and can't be fooled so easily. Trust me, Even though Madeleine is kind, she's not afraid to speak her mind and let things go. All the boys go crazy for her. Her beauty is unreal and she has an incredible fashion sense. A girl who is loyal, kind, great friend, smart, but still a boss. Don't you dare try to play her.
I love my friend Madeleine. There is no one like her.

Did you just disrespect Madeleine? Oh no, you better watch it.
"Is she gonna fight me?"

Nope, but she'll retaliate in a way that will make you rethink your entire existence.
"Oh God!"
by QueenRoses November 21, 2021
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Madeleine is someone you can always count on, she is funny loyal and definitely a keeper. She’s beautiful on the inside and out. She’s humble and modest. She’s a real keeper, don’t lose her. Wait for her glow up because your really going to miss out if you don’t. She compatible with most and if she’s a Aquarius, Virgo or Taurus she is a definite freak.
**Monday morning**
Person 1: ‘Madeleine is hot but like not amazing’

**Tuesday morning**
Person 1: ‘DAMNNNNNN, did Madeleine have a glow up

Person 2: ‘I claim her she sooo mine’

Person 1: ‘NO’
by ThatsRightSheGotItGoingOn April 9, 2022
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Madeleine would have approved of it.
by lilly4sythe November 7, 2020
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A really funny, introverted, pretty, smart, girl that won't ever let you down. She is really shy at first and may even be a bit standoffish but she means well and will win your heart when you get to know her. She has medium brown shoulder length hair and brown eyes with perfect eyebrows that match her features. Her lashes are long and thick and she has a natural beauty without any makeup. Her style is immaculate with every good vibe mixed in. She can be a baddie but also really soft. Madeleine hates when people get her name wrong so prefers to go by Maddy. She loves music and art and truly appreciates the world unless she's on her period then she'll hate everything that isn't a heat pack. She can be needy and will need a shoulder to cry on when she gets annoyed with the toxic boys she likes. But she is really honest and sweet and is an amazing friend. Boys are extremely attracted to her beauty, body and mind as she is an artsy soul in a beautiful body. TAKE CARE OF YOUR MADELEINE !!
Oh my gosh who even is that?
That's Madeleine.

You mean Madeline?
No, Madeleine. She prefers Maddy, though.
Wow, she's stunning!
by user111333444 August 3, 2021
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The most smart, kind, beautiful girl you will ever meet. She is always there for you and she is the best thing that could happen to you. She loves being hyped up and really likes to be active. Usually a Madeleine loves attention.
Hey Madeleine how did you sleep
by Shshiskebdjaisbsnd September 27, 2021
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A fun, outgoing, beautiful, smart girl that has much to offer the world. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes and hates when people spell her name wrong. Madeleine can be mature at times but other times she will burst out laughing. She has great music, fashion, and makeup sense. She gives great advice and puts others first. Not only that, but she is very artistic and boys take a liking to her because of her personality. Madeleine is humorous and talkative in front of kids, even tho she hates them but around adults is much more polite and shy.
Boy 1: Wow! Look at that beautiful girl
Boy 2: Man, her name has to be Madeleine!
by yourlocalb1tch November 21, 2021
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