When someone passes away, usually succombing to a gain of your own.
"Im loaded now man!"
"How come?"
"My Nans just kippered it and she was rolling in the money."
by liaaaaaaaaam August 21, 2009
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A item person or thing.. that can tickle or cause pleasure to a females vaginal area. AKA the flange :)
A tongue is a kipper tickler.

"I tickled her kipper with my tongue"
by Neil Down Syndrome August 17, 2008
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like tea-bagging BUT for girls!
Bloke 1: how come you got thrown out the club mate?
Bloke 2: *grunts*
Bloke 3: yeah he got caught in the toilets with some bird kipper-dipping him...
by xpikeyx April 28, 2010
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To have a hairy kipper is to be extremely agitated, angry and worked up about an issue. Similar to being triggered.
Friend 1 - "Can I stay over at your house tonight?"

Friend 2 - "Don't think so mate, my mum would throw a hairy kipper."


"Someone asked my mum to do a painting for them and she had a hairy kipper"
by TheHairyKipper May 31, 2021
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a spank on the buttock with a disabled fish
the other day I was misbehaving at school and my maths teacher gave me a good old kipper spank
by totallygaymaddy July 10, 2018
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Racial slur used against white people. Very commonly used against white people who publicly act like they're not racist, and are fighting for minorities, when in reality they are actually racist on the inside.
Dave: Oh my god, look at Kristina. She's such a fucking kipper.
by moonbutch October 28, 2018
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Slimy fish in Scotland and Boris Johnson wants to marry one because he brought one to a conference.
Hello kipper who do you simp for
Boris Johnson kippers kippers and e
by Summer-E January 14, 2021
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