A person, typically of the male gender, who has perfectly even-sized symmetrical arms.
"Wow Johan Olesen, very symmetrical arms you've got there!" and "You have a very even-sized pair of arms my young boy, named Johan Olesen."
by GenderfluidAsexualSunLolly January 31, 2019
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Person 1: Did you ask him out
Person 2: Yeah, but he johaned me
by Philjooness April 17, 2022
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Lars-Johan is a guy who is addicted to coffee and Star Wars.
Mxa: Dude, how much coffee are you going to drink?

LJ: I can't help it, I'm a Lars-Johan
by DJ Kkkkajsa November 16, 2017
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A TysTys Patrol captain
Let’s go on a TysTys tour, Johan helgi is leading the way
by TYSIAN November 22, 2021
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the best andre n cat duo you’ll ever see 😉
Someone : omg Johan and Rina r so cool 👍
by ikogalcm May 15, 2022
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the best person alive most of the time a dad and yea hes just awesome
person 1 ;my dad is the most amazig dad ever!
person 2; whats his name?
person 1 ; big johan
by hermanius June 20, 2017
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Is Andy Johan gay? a commonly asked question. Nobody knows if he's gay, straight or even human. who is he? what is he, and is he gay?, Andy Johan or Andy Johandy is a well known Musician/Youtuber in Denmark, he is the maker of the award winning album "kast mig i havnen" which translates to throw me in the harbor, Andy's videos are boring for The most people, But some people, just about 101 people are extremely attracted to him and his videos, they understand him, and they help him, and in exchange they get videos, music, livestreams, etc.
guy 1: hey have you heard of the new game that's coming out?

guy 2: yes, but is Andy Johan gay?
by Lil_Dick_Gurl_666 September 11, 2018
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