“A stora Elsa? No outro dia vi-a no pinhal de muge!”
by Fernando pessoa October 21, 2020
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The word elsa means snow and ice. The white fluffy stuff that falls from the sky, and the ice that sits in your freezer
by johnchristensen January 24, 2023
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Always wears Mads Nørrgaard clothes and bags. As tall as Ronja Ró (look it up on Urban Dictionary). She has two very cute cats, that Sunnrið is afraid of.
Enough about everyone else, lets talk about Elsa.
Drinks alot, loves going to LUUX, has 3 brothers, knows how to crochet and lastly she is a good friend.
*she has a special boy waiting for her in LUUX*
Look at Elsa! She is really letting it go!
by Duchessismycat April 13, 2023
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Elsa is the iconic ice goddess who saved Arendelle from being flooded. She is an fictional character who has ice powers and is now the ice spirit.
by The real Elsa September 13, 2021
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Have you seen Elsa? She's still trying to make people laugh but she doesn't realize that she's an annoying clown
by Alexa532 January 15, 2022
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The hottest emo on earth to every exist.
A massive simp who has a good style choice .They are very very very fruity and very nice but also very annoying sometimes but most people like them. They also are very good at drawing
The internet: omg look it’s Elsa
Elsa: *simp*
by partypois0n January 30, 2022
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she is trying to be an aesthetc girl but is failing miserably. okay no, she's actually quite alright. she listens to bedroom pop aka indie pop. she's nice when you get to know her:). she's probably bestfriends with someone named Astrid and they always plan big things for the summer. (she also has a crush on boy pablo). she obviously doesn't like confrontation and stuff like that. ignores problems.
boy: hey, did you see elsa yesterday listening to boy pablo?
boy 2: yea what about it?
boy: she seems pretty cool.
by bed room pop boy March 26, 2018
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