A definition of a narcotic, such as Ketamine, which discombobulates a person. Whereas stimulant drugs are drugs that temporarily increase alertness and awareness, a discombobulant would have quite the opposite effect.
The subject snorted 125 milligrams of discombobulant. Within 15 minutes the drugs effects became apparent and within 30 minutes the subject was completely discombobulated.
by The Bloke January 14, 2008
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When you are having a rough ass day and yo mom whupped yo ass and your desk is dirty
by Jbeezyb April 25, 2019
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To be discombobulated is to have you’re discord tag as yy#0006
yy#0006 is kasano’s son and he’s so discombobulated
by KasanoW May 6, 2022
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word used to describe the way someone may feel from being up for a while w/ no sleep;. stuck on stupid
back in the day we often felt discombobulated
by ~s.brooke March 11, 2021
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The state of mind where a person is overwhelmed by everything that they are trying to accomplish. Often times, this state of mind causes the persons mind to "shut down" and therefore be rendered useless for any sort of common sense reasoning.
by Bailmaninmo November 5, 2017
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Means being confused alot of the time and not understanding what people are saying
by Kennziiiee April 9, 2018
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