Slang for a threesome with 2 guys and 1 girl
aka DickVaginaDick which is DVD
Brah #1: I just had a sweet DVD brah
Brah #2: Brah you gay lol
by Jake Longengator June 4, 2014
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If your a girl and you have a DVD it is a threesome with 2 males
Damn! I had a DVD with Adam and Liam yesterday. Rocked my world.
by La221990 June 4, 2014
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When you wait until a movie comes out on dvd and rental to see it.Done when you know you either cant get to the movies or are just broke.
Man i want to go see X-Men Origins but im broke,ill just catch its DVD comeback.
by Davion Williams May 16, 2009
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Situations: 1. When a digital movie starts playing before you get switched over to the video input, or

2. When a digital media source begins playback at some point other than the actual beginning.

Result: upon realizing the title is playing, but not from the beginning, the viewer must manually restart the show. Then, at some random point, the viewer reaches that spot where they had originally tuned in, causing a sense of dejavu, or DVD-ja-vu.
So I slipped an adult video into the DVD player and then we finished watching the news, but the damn thing auto-played, so when I switched over the movie was already playing. So, I started it over and 10 minutes later, BOOM! DVD-ja-vu.
by StoneWolf67 May 9, 2021
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Mom Wants me To was the Dishes But Little does she know it’s a Juke DVD

If you buy shoes from Kjulio He gone Juke DVD yo Ass
by Kjfrmda44 October 10, 2018
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