In a game:To be in a flying vehicle
(More specifically a helicopter)
and spin around randomly and shoot like you have LOST YOUR GODDAMNED MIND and say SOISOISOISOISOI while doing so

Not in a game:If someone says something really funny and just say it...but most people say ''My roflcopter go soisoisoisoi'' instead of just roflcopter,but thats something completely different
In a game example:


Scared dude:He actually killed someone with that?

Not in a game:
FunnyGui:And you know what I said to him?



by Desudigamoni January 16, 2011
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Rolling on the floor laughing until you propel into a helicopter and fly away laughing
1: I love vagina
2: I knew it o_O
1: Clitorissssss
2: lmfaooo
1: Rofl-copter>:D
2: Wtf?

I sware I was in a rofl-copter after that joke

I was so stoned I was in a rofl-copter for at least 20 minutes man.
by Az4253 November 30, 2011
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1. a very sexy helicopter
2. sex had whilst riding in a helicopter
3. sex had between two very sexy helicopters
4. sex had with a helicopter from anything between a human being and a tree
5. having sex in a way that reminds one of a helicopter
6. having sex and somehow attaining altitude sickness from it
7. a cockblocking helicopter that crashes into your house while you're having sex, possibly with another helicopter
1. that's one pimpin sex-copter
2. i totally sex-copter'ed her
3. did you see that sex-copter go down between those sex-copters
4. yeah, i had a sex-copter back there through the missile tubes on that apache
5. i don't know why, but that felt like a sex-copter back there
6. i got sex-coptered and had to throw up mid-course
by thepumaman November 28, 2011
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When you helicopter twirl your penis and then go down... on a girl.
Met a girl last night, and gave her the ol' Kobe Copter on her parents' bed.
by Zygote Monkey Pants February 9, 2020
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A RC helicopter shaped like a human Wang. Sometimes used to disrespect old cranky ass chess players...
Wang Copter Flying During Kasporav Speech.
by FNORDcinco May 19, 2008
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A sexual position. It is performed by the female positioning herself on the floor with her pelvis in the air. The male then proceeds to penetrate her. While inside the male rotates in 360 degrees for some time. If performed correctly this results in an intense orgasmic experience for the female.
Yeah so I hit her with the ROFL Copter and she came all over the place!
by Abenotiq July 25, 2009
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