A team that plays in the city of St. Louis, Missouri. They are the reigning National League champions with one of the best (if not the BEST) in all of sports.
The Cubs are soo bad. Let's watch those Cards beat their brains out.
by cards June 22, 2005
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Holy shit! The St. Louis Cardinals are the 2006 world series champions!
by Adrian October 28, 2006
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The St. Louis Cardinals are the greatest baseball franchise is the world. We have the best fans, an awesome new stadium, and Albert Pujols the best player in the game. We are a team rich in history, and going by world series we have 9. Only those bastard yankees can say they have more. Chris Carpenter is one of the best pitchers in all of baseball. And we aren't the cubs!What more can you ask for?
I love living in St. Louis so that I can watch the St. Louis Cardinals kick the cubs ass every year. Sweet!
by stevedawg13 July 28, 2006
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The best baseball team in the world, Has won Nine World Series Titles, Second in all of baseball to the Yankees. They have the best lineup, defense, and offense, BUT THEIR PITCHING SUCKS!! GO REDBIRDS!!!
by Carol April 10, 2004
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