AFK meaning away from keyboard and Tornado which is randomly put behind AFK. Has been a new fav among gamers alike who have heard this Phrase.
I'll be back guys i'm just gonna go AFK Tornado.
by Kaldiron October 12, 2007
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On the MMORPG RuneScape, in the southern part of the Kharid Desert likes a Bnaidt camp. There many higher levelled players go there to train on them by wearing a piece of clothing/armour of Saradomin/Zamorakian descent, which provokes the Bandits into attacking them at will, which, in case, leaves them the ability to sit there and do nothing, except for click every few minutes to stop themsleves from logging out.
Donny3210 - "Dude, Karimbo, did that guy Pest Control his combat stats??"

Karimbo_4765 - "No, the faggot used AFK-Bandit-Training."

Donny3210 - "Hah! Pussy."
by Zael August 20, 2007
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One who is exceptional at acquiring beautiful women. High tolerance for insults.

Related words: Brand, Sex, Psychopath

Synonyms: Don Juan
Wow your boyfriend is a real Brand-AFK
by Anonymous August 24, 2003
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a person that you have as a friend in your msn/gmail chat list, whose status is always set to online, but they themselves are most often afk (away from keyboard)
gmail chat conversation:

person a) where's michael?

person b) i noticed michael's status is always set to online, but when i try chatting him, he is always afk... i will conclude he an afk nikki
by Sexydimma January 11, 2012
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AFK (different from the other common use, Away From Keyboard) stands for Armadillos are Fucking my Keyboard. It is commonly used as an exclamation of excitement, anger, sadness, or any other strong emotion. The term was coined in the wake of the 2000s by a group of small time hackers and petty criminals from the suburbs of Detroit, the Killsmiths. They would leave the abbreviation or fill phrase on the homescreen of a website after committing a cyber attack against it. The A and K are often switched out for a number of other terms, including but not limited to:

Angels, Anti-Gravity Clocks, Amish settlers, Anguished sailors, Killsmith, Krispy Kreme, Kremlin, Keytar, or others.
“Yoo Travis! Ready for the game this Sunday?”
“You know it! AFK (Armadillos are Fucking my Keyboard) I’m so excited!”

“Travis, I want a divorce.”
“Sandra? What do you mean?”
“You are always off at your games, you never make time to hang out with me or our children anymore.”
“AFK! That’s a bummer.”
by TimeTickler July 16, 2023
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