when you are so bored, you type EVERY CHARACTOR, including the capital version: lowercase, uppercase, ect, ect. ALSO BACKWARDS. why?
Rob: `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qqwweerrttyyuuiioopp{}\|aassddffgghhjjkkll;:'"zzxxccvvbbnnmm,<.>/?/?.>,<mMnNbBvVcCxXzZ'";:lLkKjJhHgGfFdDsSaA\|}{pPoOiIuUyYtTrReEwWqQ=+-_0)9(8*7&6^5%4$3#2@1!`~
Joe: *Walks away because hes dissapointed*
by tacoconsumer69 November 13, 2021
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Every single letter on the keyboard, including the shifted versions, forwards and backwards
Person 1: I just searched "~`!1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0_-+=QqWwEeRrTtYyUuIiOoPp{}|\AaSsDdFfGgHhJjKkLl:;"'ZzXxCcVvBbNnMm<,>.?//?.>,<mMnNbBvVcCxXzZ'";:lLkKjJhHgGfFdDsSaA\|}{pPoOiIuUyYtTrReEwWqQ=+-_0)9(8*7&6^5%4$3#2@1!`~" on google.
Person 2: You must be very bored.
Person 3: I don't care.
*Person 3 gets vaporized*
by sumthng October 10, 2022
Get the ~`!1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0_-+=QqWwEeRrTtYyUuIiOoPp{[}]|\AaSsDdFfGgHhJjKkLl:;"'ZzXxCcVvBbNnMm<,>.?//?.>,<mMnNbBvVcCxXzZ'";:lLkKjJhHgGfFdDsSaA\|]}[{pPoOiIuUyYtTrReEwWqQ=+-_0)9(8*7&6^5%4$3#2@1!`~ mug.
you found this on reddit, and searched it out of curiosity about the "child abuse" text that pops up.
John: "Hey Bob, search this up, it's funny! *°= 3 = y; use x = 3, and y = 1"
Bob: "wow so funny"
by deepestfried January 25, 2022
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The warriors blew a 3-1 lead to the Cleveland Cavaliers after LeBron just blocked Iguodala and Kyrie Irving killed C(hoke)urry with a three pointer and Kevin Love looked him down.
by Urban1705 November 15, 2016
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someone who is 2/3 brown skin and 1/3 dark skin

alt def: nickname for someone who is the nicest person 2/3 of the time and the complete opposite 1/3 of the time
She is so 2/3 1/3
by amb0723 October 14, 2020
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Noun; The act of several men in skin colored gimps suits performing a boococky whilst on 10 foot tall A-frame latters.

A sex act based on the line in Ephesians talking about the Lords love coming from above.
Just like the in the Bible, she felt the love from on high, when she received an Ephesians 1:3 from the boys.
by vesu December 22, 2018
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Just like 2 girls 1 cup but Elyse is the 3rd girl who eats everyone’s poop.
Did you know 3 girls 1 cup was Elyse’s debut film?
by Urlilangel June 21, 2022
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