A term to describe a girl who's intellegence meets but does not exceed the size of her waist.
Steve: Dude I am totally gonna hook up with her. She is totally hot.

Greg: What I thought you were into geeky chicks. That girl is a waist-brain.

by Greyn April 3, 2009
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A popular fashion statement in thugs, skater punks and ,in general, people who can not afford belts.

What most of these stylisticly challanged people do not know is that pants below the waist means something entirly different in prison.
If you wear pants below the waist in state pen, its an invatation.
pants below the waist

Still not getting my meaning?
try pulling your pants down, bending over and running through a corn field....backwards.
by ticktickconboom April 9, 2009
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I thought i got to the party early enough, but everyone was already waist deep in conversation when i got there.
by Wheeze05 October 30, 2018
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Japanese slang for sexual intercourse. Often used with repeated, exaggerated pelvic thrusting.
"Waist-shake?" I innocently and stupidly asked. This absolutely set them OFF, as they started pelvic-thrusting their way across the soccer field.
by NovaDeimos June 8, 2005
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A number used to measure how sexually attractive a girl is by comparing her butt to her waist. This also shows how big a girl's butt truly is.

This is obtained by measuring the smallest part around a girl's waist and subtracting that from the largest part measured around a girls butt and thighs.

The following A/W Ratios are in inches

>0: Waist is bigger than butt, she must be flat and fat which won't look good at all. Fortunately this is rare (>5%)

1-5: Her butt is ok, this might not look good everyday and probably won't grab your attention. This is quite common

6-9: Her butt is pretty big, this is very noticeable and probably will grab your attention. This is quite uncommon


10+: Her butt is amazing, this looks unreal and might make you stare for a bit. This is also known as an extreme ass. This is extremely rare, and you may not see another one like this for months.


The distribution of the different A/W Ratios depends on booty geography
(girl walks in)

Boy1: (Looks briefly then turns to Boy2) She's alright....

Boy2: She has a pretty face but that ass to waist ratio isn't too good

Boy1: Yea she's got an ass but she's also got a fat stomach

Boy2: Her A/W Ratio must be like 4 or 5
by Optical Epilepsy April 29, 2010
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A waste up lesbian is a girl who only like to suck on nipples and lips. They do not engage in vaginal sex with another woman. They still enjoy sex with men.
Two girls only topless making out-waist up lesbian
by Tits only lesbian January 26, 2014
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