A Genshin Impact Phenomenon where most of the human race get the electro archon, Raiden Shogun (also known as Ei), after a few hours of her banner release
M1: Happy International Ei Day
G1: Guess who got Raiden. I did!
M2: You got her as well? I did too
G2: No way, I just got Ei now
by I.em_Ananimoos111 September 1, 2021
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It's when you have spent lots os hours in front of a computer during a lot of hours, and your eyes are red, and you feel like your eyes are burning; specially if you've been playing very addictive videogames for a long time (for instance: +8 hours)
Guy 1.- Dude, you look burnt-eyed again, have you been playing WoW again?
Guy 2 .- Not really, I started at midnight farming some stuff for my guild.
Guy 1 .- Dude!! It's midday now!! I think you've got a serious problem, uh.....
by Uxiesama July 25, 2012
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The act of rubbed your butt with another persons butt while being lathered with soap. Much like a butterfly kiss but with buttcheeks.
my boyfriend gave me a brown eyed butterfly kiss in the shower, he is so sweet.
by Stoctopus March 16, 2021
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When her pussy looks just as tightly squinted as her eyes. And it has hair grown just like the Texan Coastal Grass
I like to fuck that slant-eyed rice field pussy just like I like pounding mochi.
by Komoot May 20, 2021
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(Verb) When ones penis shrivels up inside ones body after witnessing a painful or traumatic event, especially penis inflicted.
(A man is running and slips, planting his face into the wall).

William: Ohhh ouch! That was brutal.
Robert: Uhhh, I totally just Snail-Eyed.
by TheShiningRod April 6, 2014
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