Where Charlie’s Angels come to think, pray, and ask for forgiveness from the Charlie god.
I’m gonna go to the Church of Charlie so that badass is forgiven
by The Church of Charlie July 24, 2022
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What you call your friend,associate,etc when they are dressed very out of date and style
by Unsocially._.Awkward February 10, 2018
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The Church Of Elvis The King and The Second Sway

A facebook group; notable for it's borderline-psychotic Pastor, and for its well-documented animosity towards the Presleytarians.

Currently working on a project to reclaim the lost Elvis-ish relics of the Holy Throne and The Holy Beer Cooler...both of which were seen as The King was Kissing Vinyl in his Last Moments.
"Who the hell is that spamming all over Facebook?"
--------"It's the church of elvis nutters. again!"
by mindtheorangesmarlon February 7, 2010
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Every person heard this once in your life. If you cant FIGURE OUT WHATS MISSING, TAKE YO ASS TO CHURCH.
1:I need to go back to the bar and post up.
2:For What?
1:I think better there.
2:What you need to do is take yo ass to church. The bar may be there still afterwards. Plus it quieter than the bar.
1:Bitch will you get off my case and let me drink for once!
2: your choice.
by Thatfatgirl1985. February 14, 2021
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messiah healing sabbath church, a noun; name of a church
The interested messiah healing sabbath church scheduled attending sabbathday prayer every 7day of the week.
by Sabbathuse April 16, 2020
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A person who worships the Christian/Catholic faith to the point of practically living inside the church but at the same time not wanting to become a priest/nun.
Todd is such a Church-rat
by TheNightParade June 17, 2023
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The more PG way of explaining nakedness.

The state of being bare, excluding underwear.
Girl 1: I was so wasted last weekend– I think I ended up getting naked.
Girl 2: You got naked?
Girl 1: Well, church naked.
Girl 2: Thank goodness
by notncrmie July 12, 2017
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