when you’re on your period and you feel a jellyfish like thing flop out of your vagina
“i just felt the evil jellyfish
by September 15, 2020
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A nation in despair, weakened by war, defeated
Lost their pride in Versailles
A former prisoner with a vision or delusion
Rise to power in the Reich
Rebuilding an army
Make the nation proud
Disregarding the treaty
Secret plans for "Lebensraum"
Start the Holocaust
The Reich will rise
Propaganda, the Reich will rise
To last a thousand years
uhhh idk how to use Rise of Evil in a sentence
by LeafyBoi June 13, 2020
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Giving oral to a blue waffle cream pie.
I can't believe that William gave oral to an evil juice box.
by Rhea Surana May 3, 2016
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Military slang for getting serious before a mission or operation.
Sergeant: "We're carrying out an ambush at 1900, get evil."

Soldiers: "Hoorah!"
by Falcondescribed April 9, 2022
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a person who, like a weasel, hunts and kill small animals - but does it because they're evil, not because they're hungry
-did you hear that Mark killed that mouse family living in his walls?

-oh yeah, he must've been hungry

-he actually ate dinner before that, he did it for fun!

-man, that guy's an evil weasel
by gus man November 9, 2022
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