not accepting the democratic result and doing everything to try and reverse it, or question the process and say it was fraudulent
The Brexit process was dogged by petulant politics. Donald Trump engaged in petulant politics.
by Pangelina January 8, 2021
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1: All of the different political identities that exist in the political spectrum
2: A family that has had various individuals from different generations within it run for office and or held political offices over many years
1: Libertarian is one of the political identities considered to be part of the political family.
2: An example of a political family would be the Kennedys, for a lot of people in that family have ran for and held political offices at numerous points in time.
by Vanguard 1998 March 29, 2021
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The politics of the 1990s. Some wrong generation kids like to say that today is the absolute worst time for politics without knowing that the political situation back in the 90s wasn't any better (in fact, it was actually a lot worse).
The Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations were one of the most infamous moments of 1990s politics.
by CelticEagle February 11, 2019
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When an individual chooses to favor to political party and or ideology over all of the other ones, which tends to lead them naïve and inconsiderate when trying to address a wide variety of political and social issues.
It is not uncommon for poorly educated people to have political favoritism, because they assume that the political party they support is right usually on many issues and that the other parties tend to be wrong in their eyes. The best way to resolve this problem is to give them a better education on how the government works and what the other parties actually believe.
by Vanguard 1998 January 20, 2021
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1. a person uber loyal to his/her political affiliation or regardless of wrong doing.

2. loyalty to a single politician instead of the political affiliation's cause.
1. The parties are like Batman vs Joker, they contradict each other instead of working to move forward, don't be a political clown, they're just using you as their pawn.

2. A: He is the best politician ever! I'll vote for her again.

B: She's doing it for her own good, not the good of the city. Don't fall for that non-sense. Don't be a political clown.
by ddddddd999999 June 18, 2021
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When a political figure can't control his mouth about some things and nasty things come out of it.
Bowling game points of Obama:

Person a: "Did you hear what Obama said on Leno about his bowling game?"

Person b: "No"

Person a: "He said he bowled a 129 and that he played like special olympics".

Person b: "Oh, right, that's a case of political incontinence."

by franclml April 8, 2009
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