The type of guy to steal your girl. And just do everything better than you did.
You: *breaks up with GF*

Bandit: *gets with your girl*

EX-GF: "OMG! You are so much better than my ex! I love you!"

You: "Bruh"
by kingknb July 4, 2020
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The drug dealer with a car battery
He is a op on rainbow 6 siege
DAM that bandit destroyed my exothermic charge
by Quickloans666 February 26, 2018
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It didnt go the way it was meant to go; as planned. Rather: "It went bandit".
Person being interviewed by police may lead police to believe he / she is 'having the job' that is: going to 'cough to the job'. But during interivew the person being interviewed admits to nothing / gives misleading information or goes 'no comment'. This then is going 'bandit' at interview.
by songthrush August 11, 2009
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Gamer 1: That bitch Bandit

Gamer 2: What about Bitch boi Bandit
by TwitchyBitch March 19, 2019
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In Air Force terms, a Bandit is an alien aircraft that is posing a threat towards the pilot.
Example 1:
Pilot: *Shoots down an enemy airplane"
Pilot: "One bandit down!"

Example 2:
Pilot: "Bandit, two o'clock!".
by Proud_Deplorable May 20, 2019
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She’s a definition of a bad bitch Im a definition of a bandit - juice wrld
by Jona Cheri November 3, 2019
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