A serving member who thinks that those who didn't enlist in their generation earlier are soft, entitled or woke. Army Boomers are the type to obsess over old school figures real/fictional like R Lee Ermey or John Rambo.

They are:
- Hypocritical in demanding respect when they have disrespected people who served for their race, gender or even sexual orientation and other characteristics.
- Willfully ignorant in realizing that times are changing and that it is a soldier's duty to adapt to changing conditions but rather than adapt or quit they choose to complain without taking action.
- Arrogant in thinking that being in the military makes you better than a civilian which defeats the narrative that the military is a selfless service. Often they carry an insecurity towards their own masculinity which manifests in being really defensive over criticism of the organization they serve or the need to say they served.
- In denial of recognizing that the past generations that served were not perfect and often romanticized those days despite not necessarily living in those days.
- always bragging about past accomplishments and yet can't conveniently name any accomplishments now. Always obsessing with the past which is a red flag that they think abuse is discipline or an old school way which is an admission that they approved or practiced the methods in the past.
Sgt: fucking snowflakes, back in my day we didn't have to talk about feelings and we had to take it like real soldiers! The last good soldier was in the 1980s.
Pvt: What's wrong with the Sergeant?
Cpl: Ahh don't worry, he's just being an army Boomer.
by joelstius March 10, 2023
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A group of nonsensical human beings known for their ability to curse all new members with the onslaught of memes and managing to turn a birthday channel into an NSFW
I joined the WooHoo Army, and now i am cursed for life
by Dannywannywoohoo February 14, 2021
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Carried by muff diver cornish fuckbots a small collection of toys of different shapes, sizes And colour used to aid in the pleasure of the frustrated
The cornish fuckbots could not help tim alone, the army dildos were deployed to de-frustrate the man
by Smudge 😙 February 9, 2018
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A group of people obsessed with turtles on a Minecraft server. They've gone through troubles and hardships but they've gotten through it. They've gotten hacked and destroyed, but they're still here
The Turtle Army is having a pizza zoom.
by Turtle guy 70 May 18, 2021
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The yearly amount budgeted by the US Congress to create anti-China propaganda (influence campaign).
I called him a wumao, but then he linked me to an Harvard journal article that determined wumaos don’t exist, and he asked me if I’m part of the “300 Million Dollar Army,” which I researched and DOES exist. Then I found the term 300 Million Dollar Army on urban dictionary and downvoted it while submissively urinating from the force of the defeat.
by jchristian January 25, 2022
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To do shit that is completely stupid for the one reason of “because we have too”
Why the hell do we have to clean the hallway five minutes after we cleaned it?

Because “army logic” now get the buffer that we shouldn’t use on these floors.
by WidowMaker211 March 21, 2018
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