A person, typically a woman or feminine presenting, who is hired in an office enviroment solely based on their how pleasing appearance is rather then skill or effort.
It's so unfair Jenny got this job before us, everyone knows she's just the office bunny.
by Cinderblockets November 2, 2023
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An Eastlake Legend
From 2018-2021 the man himself gave us great quality memes of Eastlake High School. A True Blue Titan!
Hey Bro did you see Officer Brent 69 new Insta post”

Oh yeah that stuff was hilarious
by Urban49 February 1, 2022
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a grunger who works in an office by day and a punk rocker by night
man, Amy is a sexy office grunger!
by grunger 101 October 26, 2011
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When your stuck playing online with a team of noobs who are clearly all playing at the office checking out the game for the first time.
Dang it, I’m stuck with an office party
by FilfyRoo October 7, 2022
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Food set out in the office break room for all to consume. Usually consists of left-overs from a team working-lunch, or soon to expire food brought from home.
Dude, I'm broke. Gotta cruise the break rooms for some office-overs for lunch.
by SpartanTodd August 10, 2007
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When your in an office and a dude comes by and he smells like pussy and coffee.
Dude John says that you came into work yesterday smelling like the office grizzle.
by The lurk master March 22, 2014
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