Flag it is commonly used to tell someone to stop chatting after a person says something homosexual.

Or to tell someone to stop talking

Commonly used in NYC, different way of saying "Pause"
Friend: Hey, wanna come on a date with me tonight? You: Nah you're weird, flag it.
by WORDWIZ386 February 12, 2023
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a joke that goes on and on and on, with the people making the joke creating different scenarios about it.

started when some people were at the beach and a storm was coming, but there was still a green weather flag up. they saw some people in the water and decided to joke about it forever.
guy 1: "hey, look, its a green flag, but its flating in the water!"
guy 2: "its a green flag, but its ripeed and in the air!"
guy 1: "look at that green flag.... in the water!"
guy 2: "its a green flag, but its in a tornado!"
both guys: "HAHAHAHAH! ok, this is getting old."
can be used for any kind of scenario, not just a green flag.
usually the green flag joke is only funny for a few minutes.
by himynamesbill June 27, 2009
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a fucking corrupt horrible flag with a corrupt horrible community who are fucking stupid
billys dad: billy! dont fire guns at people!
billy: but dad it was some dumbass drunk lesbian woman with blue hair and a pride flag backpack
billys dad: hol up lemme get a few shots at her
by im just that like just thatguy September 21, 2023
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An American conservative who hides their blatant racism, bigotry, hate, and disdain for the actual United States motto (E. Pluribus Unum - "Out of Many, One.") behind a disingenuous use of the American flag, thus metaphorically wiping their ass with it. The sort of person who tells people who speak a foreign language to "Go back to your country" but has a warped version of an American flag on their lifted Dodge RAM truck; A general term for a conservative.
"That guy shouting about Mexicans and blacks while waving the Stars and Stripes at the Trump rally is such a flag-wiper."

"Any time you see some flag-wiper driving around in their big pickup truck, rolling coal and acting like a complete asshole, don't forget what party they represent."
by Nix Nachtvogel February 25, 2023
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"You know Green Flag can pin point your precise location"
"That's Tree-mendous!"
by Attrit Jàz April 17, 2021
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