Letters of the NATO phonetic alphabet used to identify leaders or HVTs in battle by the Coalition To End The Reign Of Hummayun Malik
"Tally two bandits, escorting a Zulu Oscar Papa Foxtrot! 1 hostile, engaging!"
by Gogo seeweed May 16, 2022
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On New Year's Eve 2008, Grant was celebrating in San Francisco.

Grant was on his way back home when a large confrontation broke out.

Two officers detained Grant and several other passengers on the platform at the Fruitvale Station. One officer kneed Grant in the head and forced Grant to lie face down on the platform. He was shot in the back and died shortly after.

Remember his name.
Oscar Grant cried out : “You shot me ! I got a four year old daughter !”
by Soulememe November 25, 2021
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Is it a boy? Nobody knows. Does it have a penis? Nobody knows. Most people says it has a vagina. Most Oscars think so much about themselves but nobody really likes them. Especially Oscar Pervan is a really bad person. Me personally has met him, Oscar is even worse than described. He is alone most of The time, at Home, depressed. People feel pity for Oscar cause he has nobody, No friend, nothing.
Your such an Oscar Pervan
by Jaisen123 December 12, 2016
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This word is used if you want a more
Militaristic style of 'oof.'

Person1:Goddammit i died in Call of Duty
Person2: Oscar Oscar Foxtrot
by Random military guy May 10, 2022
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When an Academy Award is won by some British artistic movie no one's heard of.
"Dude, did you see 'The King's Speech'?"
"Nah dude, why?"
"Dude, it, like, totally won the best picture Oscar."
"Oh, it must have been an Oxford Oscar."

"Meryl Streep holds the record for the most Oxford Oscars, even though she's American."
by TedCruzisJesus69666 March 17, 2016
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Just a bit of a b*tch. One whose father dressing like a lady.
Often fond and curious of necrophilia.
Has joys of making sandwiches and cooking
Went to the morgue and the mortician was Oscar Moraning the corpse screaming “you wanna leave me dad!?, take
This with you” and climaxed...we had to leave
by OscarsDad November 22, 2018
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