"Ur brother a mother" is a step up from ur dad lesbian. Every time these magic words are said, we as a species traverse deeper into the he'll hole known as extinction.
Assmeister43 : ur mom gey
Kermit_1h3_D: ur dad lesbian
Assmeister43: no u, ur brother a mother

*kermit's house would explode, killing him, and any family inside*
by Waus May 31, 2018
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We have had ur mum gay, ur Dad lesbian, ur granny tranny and ur sister mister, ‘ur brother a mother’ is the insult to end it all.
Bob: ur Mum gay
Fred:ur Dad lesbian

Bob:ur granny tranny
Fred:you asked for this
Bob:no please I’m sorr-
Fred: ur brother a mother

*the world travels back 400,000,000,000,000,000 years and the first ever speck of this world cries
by Trolley_Man March 18, 2018
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The most powerful, insane, phrase that can ever be spoken of.
Steve: ur mum gay
Jack: ur dad lesbian

*Two universes collide and create a black hole which destroys all of the galaxy*
by DEEPCREEP March 17, 2018
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ur brother is mother is way worse than

-ur mom gey
-ur dad lesbian
-ur granny tranny

only use it at own risk the person who said it will die but the person who heard it will explode and the world will fall apart
dude1: ur granny tranny

dude2: bro dont make me actually DO it

dude1: do it noob i dare you

dude2: *loads up inner energy*

dude2: ur brother is mother *dies*

*worlds fall apart* *dude1 dies* * dude2 dies too* error 404 happened
by turkishweeblord March 17, 2018
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