causes people to face palm and wish for some mind soap.

If I had to kill some time waiting for my doctor's appointment, and this book happens to be placed upon the magazine table, I would most rather read a brochure about retirement funding and health care.
For further definitions of twilight, see fail
by hularano January 6, 2011
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A fucking gay ass movie and book that only fucking little dumb ass teenage girls read and watch.
Tom: Did you see Twilight?

Jeff: No, it blows
by ihatetwilight May 27, 2009
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1. the slight moment between sunset and total night or, less commonly, between night and sunrise

2. a book, or series of books, by author Stephenie Meyer about a vampire-human romance; most people would reject the book saying it was just another lame vampire romance novel, but have probably never actually read the book to judge it and/or are too thick to realize the underlying morals, and why teens (esp. girls) are so obsessed with it
1. He arrived home just as the deep blue twilight reached the sky.

2. She read Twilight just before the movie came out, and was slightly disappointed in the re-creation of it.
by Sweetpea93 November 2, 2009
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best book ever, vampire romance <333 <threethreethree :
i was reading twilight and im in love with edward
by gabbyxlover August 2, 2007
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A wonderful series of books about a HOT HOT HOT vampire named Edward and a wonderfully un-whiny girl named Bella. Bella, a smart, resourceful girl who is forced to live in a boring town with her oblivious and boring father, meets Edward at her high school. As soon as she sees him, she obviously can't take her eyes off him (did I mention he's HOT HOT HOT?) and he quite reasonably just wants to drink her blood. Bella and Edward quickly become quite close, but thankfully, Bella isn't so shallow that she only likes him because he sparkles, or is anatomically perfect (although she doesn't find out just HOW perfect until the 4th book *wink*), or has nice hair, she likes him for him. Edward loves Bella, too - what's not to like? He marvels at her wit, intelligence, and undying respect for all creatures, human or otherwise. Plus, she is eternally graceful, never being one to knock things over or, you know, have seizures at the most inopportune times. A series of tumultuous events in their unpredictable and completely original love story ensues, ending with a thrill that will have fans gasping for air every time.
Random person: Hmm, I wonder what I should read.

Random person's friend: Well, don't bother reading stuff like Hamlet or War and Peace, I'd go for the really *good* classic literature.

Random person: OH, you mean like Twilight?? Of course! Why didn't I think of this on my own? Could it be because, like most other Twilight fans, I have only one brain cell that is currently occupied running my basic functions such as breathing?

Random person's friend (who has been staring into space, drooling): Huh? Yeah.
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A Book released in 2005, which was written by Stephenie Meyer. Most people fall in love with the series due to the main character, Edward Cullen. I found it to be one of my favorite vampire romances ever, and it's extremely captivating. Words cannot describe the emotions the Twilight Saga makes you feel, and i'm not talking about fangirl Edward emotions. It shows the greatest type of bond between mortal and immortal. If you read one, I suggest reading the other two, New Moon and Eclipse. But if you discover this series, don't give it to your friends, because they'll become hypocrites. But if you value the greatness of this series, I beg you not to see the movie. Movies always ruin books, and the casting director is blind, so the movie is going to honestly shortchange the books. So just don't see it (:
Hypocrite: What are you reading?
Me: Twilight.
Hypocrite: What's it about?
Me: A vampire who falls in love with a human. It's amazing.
Me: In this book they're good.
Hypocrite: Whatever, you're a freak.
-movie is released-
Me: You judged me for reading this book a while back.
Hypocrite: Whatever, no I didn't. Go read Twilight or you fail at life.
Me: I've already read it.
Hypocrite: No you haven't. Only cool people have read it. And you're not a true fan.

see my point about the movie?
it shouldn't be released.
by malloryy make-believe. April 18, 2008
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An informal way to refer to a tootache (derives from the Socratic tradition see. article 23.2)
A: Was'up man?
B: Twilight, dog.
C: Yo, dont' call me that brother.
D: Calm down foo. I've got an ache, and lost nine of mi teet today.
E: Haha, yo!
by yomo123 March 26, 2009
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