As well as being owned or beaten up, merked has been used as a word that replaces 'take' or 'borrow' or 'steal'
That book just got merked

I'm gonna merk that helmet
by JessB February 28, 2006
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To diss, to intellectually injure someone.
Yo, Anand that midget SOB merked me by calling me a tool.
by Miles April 24, 2004
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Drunk, Crunk, Lean, anything which is not sober.
Loose to pro evo by 3 goals or more.
hurt someone,

I was merked last nite blud, that zoot merked me up,
u got merked 5-0
i merked that bre up last nite
by Dharmin March 3, 2007
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Merk is the slang for kill
Homiez imma Merk that opp
by Shooten j April 6, 2019
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Merk is a combination of mean and jerk. A merk would not understand what they are being called because mean jerks are not intelligent. You can also combine other words to make your own insults that not many will understand; insulting them on a new level and not explaining your madness behind it. You're welcome.
Boyfriend: maybe you should lay off the chocolate..
Girlfriend: wow, really? You're such a merk.
by Wild_sunflower01 February 5, 2014
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1.CoD WaW clan who is undefeated possibly the greatest ever. get undeniably beaten by means of shit talking, physical beatings, or in a video games.

See Norton.
oh shit, 40 and 9 you got merK'd!
by God of Cruelty April 29, 2009
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