Some Hood Nigga and he wid it
Aye thon lets get a whip
by ABUKISTHENAME November 28, 2020
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1. An eating contest.sometimes timed
Where the object is to consume as much food as possible in a given amount of time. (Think adam. Richie's man. Vs food) 2
2. Same as above. Difference being what is being "eaten" (in this. A. Cunnilingus contest)
1.bill: how did you like the buffalo wings cook-off? Mike:. Loved it! It was an absolute eat-a-thon! 2. Did you see those women from the intra mural. Team? Yah. Would love to have an eat-athon with every single one of them!
by 4realazitgits March 5, 2021
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Marathon Diarrhea, sometimes medically induced
I chickened out and decided to postpone my crap-o-thon until after my wife recovers from her surgery...
by audioman10 November 2, 2010
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A troll-a-thon is a fundraiser in which one uses the social media posts of a troll to raise money for a non-profit that the troll would otherwise oppose.
After Jeff posted that racist tweet calling Maxine Waters retarded, I started a troll-a-thon for her re-election campaign.
by Doneagain November 9, 2018
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A one-night stand with a female that is accompanied by two or more men in sexual intercoarse.
Affter we won football game me and the whole team ran a dong-a-thon on Jennifer in the locker room!
by Just a Geek Clapping Cheeks September 16, 2017
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an annual school-supported contest that challenges students in CNY to learn more about nature, such as forestry or aquatics; a contest in which the winning team is awarded a trophy that signifies students who are aware of their environment
Student 1: "Hey did you find out who won the Enviro-thon?"
Student 2: " Yeah the kids from Pulaski won the trophy, they must really know a lot about nature and stuff."
Student 1: "Didn't they only have like 4 people?"
Student 2: "Yep and they still won."
by Ð@ñ February 19, 2009
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