(Noun). A know-it-all jerk with a God complex.
The customer complained that the tech support specialist was a total bully-smug for mocking her lack of computer skills.
by TedSrong January 13, 2010
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When someone says something has smug appeal, they mean it has a set of qualities that make it attractive to smug people (i.e. people who like to take excessive pride in themselves, usually because they are rich or upper-class)
No one can overlook the smug appeal of a BMW or a Mercedes.
It's an elegant car, with much smug appeal for the rich.
by babanava April 1, 2016
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If you say that a woman is smug, you are criticizing the fact they seem very pleased with how good, clever, or lucky they are. Just like smug dick is used for men, Smug vag should be used for women.
Sejal is such a Smug vag that she could solve some wordles in seconds while most take a few minutes.
by spsid13 February 1, 2022
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A person or couple previously interesting and good conversationalists who now that they have children talk about nothing other than everything their children do no matter how mundane and are utterly oblivious to the fact that they now bore the shit out of everyone.
Mary (Mother) "You should see Caitlin and Ashley play with their new little brother it's so sweet"
John (Father) "When he sneezed yesterday, Ashley actually got a tissue and wiped his nose"
Mary "Caitlin has started playing on the piano as well, we'll have to think about lessons soon"
Alex (Friend) Will you two change the fucking subject, you're way too family smug.
by tincopper September 26, 2010
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People who have become somewhat wealthy due to inheritance or luck; and who are also certain that they are above others, even though they are dumb as fuck.
Every city has its share of smug idiots. They're so fucking proud of themselves. But on closer inspection, you'll see that they're as empty as the post modern bullshit lofts that they live in.
by geekmalone August 16, 2020
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A flaming homosexual who likes fortnite and looks in the trash for donuts
Wow look at smug maple over there. He wishes he could play fortnite while eating donuts in a dumpster
by Cheeseball72 November 28, 2020
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when someone apprciates their own relationship to the point that it makes everyone around them want to throw up
dude frank is always boasting about his girlfriend analyse, hes a smug dater.
by whitepowerboy December 4, 2009
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