A Shrimp is a Simp with a small dick.
Julie: This guy is a shrimp. There's no way he can put that in!
by CreatorofMind September 9, 2020
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A bitchass fool that is a complete retard about everything. Someone that switches up on homies, snitches, is oblivious to everything, and or pulls bullshit moves.
“Did you hear about Etty dissing off Gabe?”

“Yeah it was a shrimp move”
by Master Of Shadows November 26, 2017
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verb: to felch with a straw instead of applying the mouth directly to the anus/vagina
Marty wanted me to felch him last night but I had a cold sore so I shrimped him instead
by solittletime April 25, 2008
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A flaccid, saliva coated penis after ejaculation, caused by the act of fellatio on said penis.
"She gave me the shrimp." "I just shrimped her." "I need to get me some shrimp."
by Jesse April 5, 2005
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What black people call shrimp because they're ignorant.
Hey can I get me some of them shrimps
by Ahorsedick April 25, 2011
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A reference to a person's hunched stature after excessive drinking and/or drug use. It is often accompanied by vomiting and sleeping. Common shrimping locations include toilets and couches.
Ron: "Is Hunter alright?"
Leslie: "Nah, he had two edibles last night and he's still shrimped on our couch."
by siakim February 15, 2021
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The act of misplacing shrimp in a location that should not be shrimped.
Weston keeps shrimping my bathroom, Weston shrimped my bathroom (for legal reasons that’s a joke)
by ConnorEatsPants June 20, 2021
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