Someone who you know personally, and by the power of facebook turns into this magical philosopher, problem solver, visionary speaker and just a general complainer of life who doesn't know shit from clay and you know for a fact they are the stupidest dweeb ever!
Sue- "whteva btchs ihm sooo tuff and imma gt awn wif it . u cnt gt me dwn coz im strng. im nt fazd by u".

Me- "learn to spell you Facebook Shithead"

Jack- "I love life, I love all of you. Thank you world. Etc
Me- " This guys a total Facebook Shithead"
by The_Def_Master December 4, 2013
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possibly male with an unusual fetish for Ed, Edd and Eddy. most likely to be a dickhead found farming. Usually has no peers.
That Oliver guy is a right shithead-strike, he needs to get a life!
by spanishlovingfagoli May 10, 2009
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people who create stupid slang words or who speak stupid slang words in order to be cool...
Yo you hear that shizzle shithead talking on the celly like he's nelly to nobody just trying to get a rep. Ill put a bandaid on his left cheek and make him my nelly.
by CRUSHER March 7, 2005
A nozzle used in quiet the same manner as a douchbag nozzle, but not the same. Please refer to douchbag nozzle for examples.
by Douchbag nozzle December 6, 2011
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Someone who is willing to argue over miniscule amounts of payment while in a drunken stupor

;downbeat person insecure with his own masculinity

; pompous asshat
My man thought he had a point, but he was just a rolled shithead!
by Richard drawsman November 23, 2015
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n. one who inserts dildos into peanutbutter

2) a ridiculous person
Fuck you to whoever was a big enough asshole to fuck with my food. I don't at all think it's funny and you're slimy shitheads. You're ridiculous people.
by Chaseface April 24, 2005
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Every Christian is a shithead. Anyone who believes a guy's mother was a virgin and then she got pregnant by a god is already kinda wacko. And then the contradictory things this so-called messiah supposedly said....the "gospels" aren't the "gospel truth" if you read them carefully, you'll see they contradict each other and then when a "gospel" wasn't approved by the early church, they declared it false. So there's a lot of stuff out there about Jesus and Mary Magdalene getting it on. Your imaginary friend in the sky isn't going to save you.

Do good on this Earth right now. Take care of other people. Take care of the planet. Hate all Republicans. Vote against the asshole teaparty and you have a chance.
Joe: Hey, Bernardo, check out the Christian Shithead over there! She's born again.

Bernardo: Must have been a tough birth for her mother.

Well, looky here, what have we got? A Christian Shithead! Another one, dammmmm. Can't get rid of those fuckers.
by Lova My Nay-Bah September 17, 2010
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