It is a shame that it is the official Plasma Inc anti-exploit system.
by HmmHmmmmH December 27, 2021
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Having an enemy attach a plasma grenade to your face during deathwatch play in any of the XBox Halo game series.
I was right in the middle of a kill streak that abruptly ended with a case of PGFS (Plasma Grenade Face Syndrome) courteous of hgnryGenghis and his plasma grenade.
by hngryGenghis September 28, 2010
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Final form achieved by gender fluid people with too much free time.
This shows us that as welfare increases more and more, rich society tends to destroy themselves from the inside.
Please, do not try to achieve this gender state for your own safety!
"Yesterday, I was gender fluid. Today, I am gender solid. Tomorrow, I will be gender gassy. But luckily, I will never achieve gender plasma!"
by LgbtqLivesMatter July 17, 2022
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1: “hey, did you read that fanfic? The one with the ghost anon?”
2: “the one where the dilf fingers the reader? Where the ghost shoots out plasma?”
1: “yeah!”
by MonsterFucker June 21, 2021
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1.plasma(adj) describes a precious and cute person
2.plasma is a nickname for a loved one
3.Plasma means creature in Greek
by Hpiatsaimenta September 14, 2021
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