A nipple that’s so thick it’s identified as a “coat hanger
“Damn! That girls “”thicky nibs”” we’re so big you could hang a coat on that shit.”

“I did hook up with a girl with thicky nibs and they were intimidating.”

“Those thicky nibs were more intimidating than my future”

“My thicky nibs were thicker than his weak ass excuse of a dick.”
by Know your nibs October 8, 2023
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Probaly writen by aliens cia or related.
Knows everything.
You are reading about nib realms telemetry in urban dictonary.
see?? It knows everything!
Hi. I know your are from germany.
10minutes ago u was waching threads about blah.
Nib realms telemetry records everything u type.
by jokbon June 9, 2019
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Nibbing is a colloquial way of replacing verbs and using Nibbing instead. Slang not used a lot but it's from the 80s
Mihir was fishing at the pond
Mihir was Nibbing at the pond
by touer October 14, 2020
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Claiming the right to sit at the chair you sitting at, because you have to get up for some thing, ie beer bitch
You can only exercise "no nibs" by stating "no nibs before you leave the chair. This is give you the right to claim your sit back if someone takes possession of it. If person refuses to leave your chair knowing "no nibs" was called, you can excercise the right to move forcefully.
by Mike Connell February 16, 2005
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"That's my boy, my Nib"
by CamCam101 January 11, 2018
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Tip of the penis, also known as a nib end.
Jo: I hear Dave caught his nib in the drawer yesterday.
Tom: Ouch! What a nib end.
by chrisman99 February 7, 2020
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