Something said to a panicked young finance professional who is whining, crying or otherwise panicking because things aren't as expected.
Hey, this is Wall Street, not Sesame Street. Calm down you little pussy.
by Flexableflyer February 19, 2014
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The most crime-ridden city in the US. The murders that took place include the murders of: Aristotle, Deena and Pearl, Dexter, Warren Wolf, and famous tonight show host Leslie Mostly.
"Sesame Street, a more unsafe environment than Detroit. Who would've known how many Muppets' lives would be lost in this very city"
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To respond to childish/drunk comments; proper responses include "I got Elmo, Grover, Big Bird." etc.
I ain't fucking playing sesame street right now!
by SpunThrilla January 13, 2009
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when one is made ill from consuming to sesame seeds and/or sesame seed products due to an allergic reaction to them.

allergy food allergy
I ate at a Thai restaurant the other day and felt really sick afterwards. I knew I had been sesame-ed.
by iamsocrates February 11, 2016
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sesame seed is a seed that grows in buns, usually found in burgers and some other stuffs. sometimes in doors, say sesame you stupid fuck
by chupangels June 24, 2017
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