The Oasis Effect describes the phenomena in modern music where popular music has plummeted in quality so much, that acts that were only mediocre in the past, are comparatively superb.
"I just got excited to find Wonderwall on a radio station. What the fuck is going on!?"

"Oh, that's just the Oasis Effect you're experiencing. Everything else is so bad, Wonderwall is good. We live in frightening times."
by Lee Man October 24, 2009
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The little pool of pre-cum that makes intercourse possible when no other kind of lube is present. Most useful when foreplay isn't an option.
She is so not into it... Good thing I've got this oakland oasis to loosen things up!
by Nynecho February 16, 2015
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a cool, progressive town (usually with a university) in an otherwise regressive, republican state.
let's go to the liberal oasis of Lawrence, Kansas and see Sonic Youth!
by Duckers October 18, 2007
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When you think you finally see the source of a traffic back-up on the highway, whether a stalled car, accident, cop, or some wild turkeys running across the highway, only to pass the offender, and discover there's something else further up ahead still causing back-up.
When he saw the tow truck and police lights on the shoulder, Mike thought the traffic would finally speed up. Unfortunately, it was just a traffic oasis and it took him another hour to get home.
by Spidertrain June 18, 2010
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A day or days in otherwise long, hot, dry summers that are cool and refreshing; may or may not be rainy as well.
The oasis days in the first week of July gave us welcome relief from the constant hundred degree days in June.
by burrito34 July 4, 2010
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A GHETTO ASS school in North London which is filled with a bunch rats that are fake, loud, annoying and rude. The teachers are annoying and care more about your uniform then your actual education.
Person 1: yo have you heard of that ratchet school “oasis academy Enfield

Person 2: yeah It’s that school where Mr westlake the fat don works at
by Fattttttyyy December 27, 2018
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a school that smells like shit half the time and has the stupidest cover teachers And fakest people.the teachers tell you to stay at home but when we do they phone home like Dickheads 🙅🏼 ♂️
person 1 : "fam you go to oasis academy hadley?i want to go there!"

person 2:"do you want to walk into a school that stinks like shit and teachers that look like oompah loompahs?"

person 1:....

person 2:"Didn't fucking think so"
by fatuglycunt December 31, 2019
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