Used to describe or exagerate a point.
"I'm tellin you, if he didnt have a girl already he'd be on you like a mexican on a lawn mower!"
by Billfat July 25, 2006
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It's when your fucking a girl from behind and on the last stride you hit it hard and at the same time cut her arms out from under her giving her face carpet burn.
I hope you shaved bc here comes the kentucky style lawn mower.
by Breast feed January 23, 2018
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A west virginian lawn mower is when an individual cums into his hand and places his hand on his partner's unshaved pussy, gives it time to dry, then rips his hand away. Usually performs with said individual's mother.
Yo dawg i gave my mom a wild west virginian lawn mower last night, no shave november does have its benefits.
by boboscala November 18, 2014
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Approximates to: You just fucked up big time, and now you're answering to me! Originated in the military.
Commanding Officer: You tried drifting a Humvee till it went Tango Uniform and then blamed it on your bunkmate?! Your ass is grass, boy, and I'm the mower!
by anonymous January 29, 2005
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1. A degree of disorder, disarray, or confusion that is generally the result of either the long-term mismanagement of a process or the sudden, explosive collapse of a short-term project.
2. Advanced intoxication. Individual is minutes away from vomiting, blackout, arrest, or a beatdown. Generally used in West or Central Texas.
1.) J: "How bad was the condition of the jobsite you visited?"
D: "Man, they have got that place fucked up like a snake in a lawn mower."

2.) F: "That guy has been drinking all day."
L: "He's fucked up like a snake in a lawn mower."
by jcodya December 22, 2009
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A phrase used by a homo sexual or gay man to ask another man if they are gay and would like to get it on with them.

The other man will either respond with, "Yes i have a liscene for my lawn mower, indicating that yes, they are gay and want to get it on, or no, that they do not have a licsense for their lawn mower, indicating that they are straight.
"Do you have a license for that lawn mower?"

by Word Master123 August 25, 2006
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The expression of which your ass is grass comes from if you hear this you better get out of town because you're likely to get shot hung or end up with your head on a stick
Idiot1: oh dude I am so dead
Idiot2: yep that's quite a bit of a fender bender there
- idiot1 gets home-
Idiot1's roommate: heard you my moped just want you to know ass is grass and I'm the lawn mower
Idiot1:* shit himself*

And that my assholes is how the term:
Your ass is grass and I'm the lawn mower
Turned into: your ass is grass
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 June 27, 2018
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