when you sit down and think of a woman who's petite with curves she's what comes to mind and even on her worst days she looks better than most on their best days to run your hands across her body is to run your hands across the finest silk her sex appeal is unmatched it'll draw you in and keep you captivated for hours and if you get the chance to wrap your arms around her you just might think you found heaven and that the hardest thing in life is letting go she is at times extremely difficult to get a hold of a true challenge is just getting with her but once you do and you have her you can see why but be warned a spitfire she is she's particular in her ways she knows what she wants and she knows how she wants it done follow her directions though because although it may seem she's quick to angry it's a side that she doesn't really want to show but when all is come the tone in her voice will let you know how sorry she really is she's a complicated woman not fit for any man especially not the weak hearted or weak minded she does not have time for them so try and try to reach out to grab her attention and when you have it make sure you utilize it
Bro you finally got a chance to hang out with malia make every second count because that's one girl you don't want to miss
by 1969Allen1969 May 22, 2022
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Pronounced MAH-LEE-YAH malia is a girl who acts very shy and lets you know about any issues or problems she is facing constantly usually can't go without a boyfriend for 5 months and even when she says she is taking a break from dating she will have a new one in about 2 months. Malias are usually not a very trustworthy type of people but if you find that is honest you have found a very rare specimen.
(person 1) guess what

(person 2) what
(person 1) Malia has a new boyfriend

(person 2) you're joking
(person 1) nup

(person 2) jesus me what a slut
by Lover of Males January 15, 2022
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she has big tits and a big ass.
have you seen malia.
yeah she has big tits and a big ass
by unkonwn1011 November 2, 2022
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The true meaning of the name Malia is flower in Hawaiian. All though I am not Hawaiian my name is and it’s beautiful. The only reason I know this is because I met a lovely elder woman named Malia, who was indeed Hawaiian. She told me that our name is a great gift and to cherish it. Because in Hawaii flowers bloom everywhere.
Hi I’m Malia.”

“That’s a beautiful name.”

Thank you.”
by Sexy frog March 9, 2021
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Malia is a beautiful, smart, flirtatious, sexy person. She can steal anyone’s man if she wants. She can be very courageous and she s extremely friendly. Can be very silly and childish when she wants to be. She will accept you no matter what and support you.
Omg! Malia is so amazing!
by Kissy-mal678 November 24, 2021
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