The cheap unidentifiable meat at a Chinese buffet. Not sure what it is, can't figure out if it's beef, pork, chicken or whatever.

Griffin is legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and an eagle's talons as its front feet.
At the Chinese buffet, deal of the day is $1.00 meat entree in orange sauce. Can't identify it, it must be Griffin.
by antslice June 26, 2014
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A weird socially awkward kid who has cool frends but isn't cool himself. He usually likes a Cc or a Charlotte and can very in hair styles with a weird voice. He also has the tendency to make fun of people who like his girl and most of all hates Declan's. But his best friends are ussaully Matthews Alex's Gabe's Thomas's and Zach's.
Griffin will never make it with CC.
by BFFBro February 13, 2018
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Griffin is BEAUTIFUL girl who is kind,sweet,funny,and VERY pretty, she is also athletic,she loves to play soccer and has a lot of friends she is usually the leader of the group.
Damn,Griffin is SOOOOOO PRETTY! I wish I could date her.
by someperson1218 September 25, 2018
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He's this kid in your school. He is ok looking, but gets no girls. He's only popular because he plays sports. People pretend to like him but no one actually does. No one looks forward to talking to him every day, he's always everyone's second choice.
Hey, have you seen that new kid?
Yeah he looks like he'll be a griffin
by Zabo Zabo December 4, 2014
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There is no one in this world that will love you more than Griffin. He is sweet and highly intelligent even though he will deny it every time you tell him so. The love portrayed by this boy will never cease to amaze even the coldest of hearts because with one smile he can light up the entire room and everyone in it. Sure he has some flaws but so does everyone else but that's what makes him so much more cute and genuine. A Griffin is not afraid to show affection or tell you how he feels which is a truely amazing trait, and another trait that Griffin has in his back pocket is the amazing ability to love with his whole heart especially when it comes to his family. I cant even use enough words in the English language to discribe the true joy a Griffin can give you every second of every day weather your in his precious presence or not. I love Griffin. Also did I mention hes the single hottest guy known to mankind.
Girl: Hey have you seen Griffin
Girl 2: yah and I fell in love with him the second I layed my eyes on him.
by Dontreadthisname February 17, 2019
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a dumb ass move; to be the odd one in the background who laughs when everyone else laughs or makes strange comments; usually in the back of a large group; never talking to girls
"Yo u rele griffin'd tht up, being all sketchy in the background no one talking to u"
"Just talk to her, dont be a griffin"
by shaqra23 February 11, 2012
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The sexual act of spraying whip cream on a vagina then gently but forcefully fist the vagina
"Yo Jeff! I griffined the fuck out of Samantha last night"
by sexslave126 August 12, 2015
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