the most fucking amazing school ever. awesome people go there to do awesome things, like paint cars, protest wars, and just be awesome. Compass School is located in Westminster, VT
"Did you hear? that awesome dude Brendan goes to the Compass School!" "No wonder he's so awesome."
by cobaniac43 January 18, 2009
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When a can of drink is swollen on the bottom (soda, beer, or wine in a can) it rolls around and shows you the direction of the person who is mostest thirsty.
Its like a "Drink Compass", whose thirsty? This guy
by The Treehouse October 8, 2010
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The invisible device that ensures your safe arrival home after after a night out on a booze cruise lol
Beer Compass gets you home every time, even though you're too pissed to remember where you live, how you got there, and where you've come from.
by ohtherandomnessofme August 13, 2008
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Person 1: Hey, want to look at the political compass memes subreddit?
Person 2: No, if I wanted to look at clowns I would go to the circus.
by stupid clown August 8, 2021
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Political Compass memes are memes centered on the political compass, it was originated from the subreddit r/politicalcompassmemes and it often includes wojaks
Person 1: Yo, have you seen Political Compass memes
Person 2: No, and what is that?
by Aid_Nic October 18, 2020
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