Placing both your penis and balls on a girls face.
"I totally slapped my bangers and mash on that chicks face" "Dude, you gave her the whole Celtic Breakfast?"
by Tylank May 7, 2010
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Celtic Minded (commonly pronouced ra sellic minded) is the term used to describe certain sections of the Celtic support. While anybody can support Celtic, to be a fully accepted member of the Celtic "family" one must meet the following critera :-

1. Catholic - This is a must , although one does not need to be practising (indeed the vast majority are not) to be fully accepted into the Celtic "family" one must allege to follow the man in Rome

2. Irish - One does not need to actually be Irish but to be fully accepted one must profess a love for the country of Ireland (even more than one's own country). Extra points are awarded for having a link to Ireland regardless of how tenuous that link may be (having a pint of Guinness is often enough)

3. Hate Rangers - Again this a must. To be fully accepted into the Celtic family one must display a hatred of all things Rangers related. This hatred must be put before the love for one's own team

4. Hate the UK - Another essential trait of the Celtic Minded. Depsite the fact that the vast majority of the Celtic Minded family have a United Kingdom of Great Britan and Northern Ireland passport to be fully accepted one must display a hatred for all things British

5. Hate The Queen - Plus points will be granted for a good old hatred of Her Majesty The Queen. This goes hand in hand in hand with the next point

6. Hate Proddies - Simply put, being Celtic Minded mean's one must show a dislike for those of the one truth faith.

Extra point's are awarded for showing affection to known woman and baby killers The IRA

Jock Stein is a prime example of one who , despite helping Celtic to become the first BRITISH team to win the old European Cup , was never deemed to be Celtic Minded. This can be seen in the fact that after he stepped down as manager he was only offered the lowly position of Head of the Celtic Pools. Big Jock Knew that he was better than this and refused the position

CelticMinded is also the name of a website that caters for those that meet the above critera. It is famous for stealing charity money to help fund the owners holidays and is in general a place that one should avoid
Aye wee Gordy, hes done ok, but he pyoor no Celtic Minded an aww rat, hes got tae go

See wee lennon by ra way. Hes pyoor pish but hes Celtic Minded and aww rat no, so bhoys go tae stay, a love lennon

A donated money to CelticMinded and mince hud a guid holidy
by Big Jock April 27, 2007
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1. A slow, beautiful Celtic tune, usually in a major key.

2. A burst of flatulence prominent enough to flutter one's kilt
Ach, man! Angus McFinn be blowin' the Celtic air again!
by FSDAGSDFGDSGD October 13, 2008
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Did you know that Kieran teirney the hottest man alive plays for Celtic fc
by Mrs teirney March 24, 2019
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One of the best franchises in the history of the NBA, the Los Angeles Lakers achilles heel. Won their last NBA Championship in 2008. They're known to have what's called "The Big 3" consisting of Superstars Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen but hopefully the name will change to "The Big 4" with the addition of young Superstar Rajon Rondo. Currently leading the Lakers 3-2 in the 2010 NBA Championship. A team with an incredible amount of heart and resiliency. Wasn't favored to make it past even the opening round of the playoffs in 2010 but has shocked everyone in upsetting the 1st and 2nd seeded Cleveland Cavaliers and Orlando Magic. GO CELTICS!!
The Boston Celtics will finish off the Lakers tonight in Game 6!!
by Celtics fan June 15, 2010
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Although less commonly known, the Celtic Cross is a fininshing maneuver perform by WWE Superstar Dave Finlay. He will pick up his opponent in a fireman's carry position and then grab the back of their neck so they are held upside down across his back. He then falls to a seated position, slamming them neck first into the mat.
Finlay won the match after hitting Matt Hardy with the Celtic Cross.
by Joe Syrus April 8, 2008
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