A brownie that could have weed in it but you are not 100% sure.
My Uncle gave me what he called "Schrodinger's Brownie".
by Wizerd1889 September 12, 2021
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The act of one person defecating into another's mouth and that person placing the shit into anothers anus and so on
Person: Zack why are you teeth so brown

Zack: I did a brownie passover with stephanie and it wasn't pretty
by dildo shit maker January 16, 2012
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When you have to stomp your shit down a drain in the shower
Last night i didnt have time to get out if the shower and had to go brownie jumping
by Asian0rphan June 7, 2023
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The act of defecating on your partner after eating a large quantity of dried cayenne peppers.
I gave my wife a Cajun brownie last night.
by BoatsNHoes6969 June 20, 2015
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When a dude poses as he Mr.Perfect , tries to say things that a female wants to hear , make it sound real good aka The Pillow Talker himself
“If my girl nails are $50 , I’ll give her $1500” saying that he’s trying to earn brownie points from the chicks
by Ni66ah Regulations Guide November 19, 2020
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A sexy female with light eyes and dark brown hair (green or blue) slim body body usually Olive skinpetite soft spoken voice. These type of females are incredibly cute ( they have a child like personality and are very fun.)
That girl is beautiful and cute at the same time , what a hot little browny bombshell !
by Irishkitty December 5, 2017
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When you're eating ass and then your partner has diarrhea directly into your mouth.
Friend One: "What are you guys talking about?"

Friend Two: "Your mom is going to die."

Friend Three: "Oh no, that means I wont be getting anymore sloppy brownies!"
by Buckshot Bill January 5, 2019
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